Thursday, April 09, 2009

Oh How the Mighty Fall

Yeah, things have changed since my last post. The last time we talked, I was in Seattle, employed, and loving my surroundings... and now... I'm Toledo (again!), unemployed, and despise nearly every minute of my day. In fact, I'm quite reluctant to even post to this blog, for many reasons. (1) I don't have much to write about considering my current situation, (2) Even if I do come up with something, I'm afraid it might be to much of a downer or full of self-pity that no one will even want to read it, and finally (3) I don't know who the hell even looks at this thing anymore anyway! 
Well, I'll just assume my readers are the few who happen to stumble upon this mess by accident, so I'll just try to whip something up to amuse them. Yeah, that works.

All right, let's see, what shall we cover today? I suppose I should try to rap about something important to our everyday lives, like the current state of the economy (but really, who isn't talking about that?), the war in Iraq (what's left to say? Expensive, pointless, shoulda, coulda, woulda), unemployment (let's not go there)... But really, I'm not that deep. So let's think of something else...

Okay, did anyone catch Levi Johnston (aka Bristol Palin's Baby-Daddy) on the Tyra Banks Show earlier this week? I only put myself through a few minutes of it, mostly because it was dull and at times uncomfortable. And after watching those few precious moments that I will never get back I have to assume two things: 1. Tyra banks pays her guest for their interviews, and 2. After the interview, our boy Levi is gonna start dating black girls, now that he knows they aren't all like New York from Flavor of Love. 

Okay, that's all I got for now, I'm tapped out. I'll try again soon when I'm hopefully feeling more inspired. 

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