Saturday, July 29, 2006

I Really Have Nothing Interesting to Blog About

... but I feel I owe it to my loyal readers (all 4 of 'em, including the one in California I don't actually know) to update on a regular basis.
It's life as usual here on the surface of the sun, er, in Ohio. Okay, what I meant to say was it's so feckin' hot I wanna punch myself in the face at the mere thought of having to hike my ass all the way across campus. Okay, it's not exactly the Dust Bowl, but Mama don't like the hot weather, she likes to keep her happy ass in the nice cool confines of her air conditioned studio apartment. Thankfully I have one professor who is actually concerned with the well being of his pupils, so he consistently bitched at physical facilites for a whole week so they'd come fix the AC in our classroom. Bless his little heart.
Speaking of class and professors... I have a good example of how life has a strange continuity to it. This term I'm taking three classes, two of which are taught by Israeli women (one of the classes is a Hebrew Studies course), and the third, well, isn't, but it's about the history of various international conflicts, so we're also talking a bit about the history of the situation in Israel. So I just find it a bit intersesting how I've recently gained a decent understanding of what's going on over there when all of a sudden the entire region goes ape shit (again).
Recently I was also discussing the situation in the Middle East with a friend, and couldn't help but wonder what kinds of things were influencing our points of view. We weren't taking opposing positions, but she seemed pretty hesitant to sympathize with Israel. Now, I'm not anti-Muslim, or completely in love with Judaism... but I do find it easier to sympathize with Israel at the moment, especially since I recently saw the Daniel Pearle video, and was given explicit evidence of what some people are capable of doing in the name of a religion. So, I began to wonder, is it easier for me to sympathize with one "side" more than the other because I don't consider myself affiliated with any particular religion? I dunno, that may not make sense to anyone else but me, but I think it goes along Jen's recent theme of "who do we believe?".
Now, as a side note, I also want to clarify something.
I consider myself a liberal, but I absolutely CANNOT STAND hearing the phrase "Godless liberal," (I guess I should admit that the proceeding rant is inspired by Anne Coulter's recent book stating that liberals' real religion is godlessness, where our "sacrement" is abortion, our "clergy" are public school teachers, "churches" are government run schools, blah blah blah, how clever). I am not godless, at least by my standards, and I think that I can safely speak for at least a few of my liberal friends when I say that neither are they.
Just as it is quite unfair to consider every conservative a Bush-lovin', gun-totin', Bible-thumpin', uneducated redneck who likes to blow up abortion clinics and watch The 700 Club, it is wrong (in my opinion, I guess) to consider all liberals America-hatin', Birkenstock-sportin', baby-killin' God-haters who worship at the church of Michael Moore while spitting in the face of democracy. I do not consider myself to fall under any of the above mentioned charicteristics of liberals (because Birkenstocks are really quite ugly, and have never actually killed a baby myself ;).
I guess you can't have one extreme without the other, but it is also worth noting that you can't have an extreme without having something in the middle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


well-spoken. I agree 100% kid.