Friday, September 22, 2006


I've had like 5 hits to my blog from people googling the word "chonklas."
And I don't think it's the same curious person since the hits are coming from different places. What did I miss? Did Paris Hilton make an attempt at pronouncing the word and choke on her Altoid?
Damn, that would be great!

PS I guess if you're googling, you might want to know what they are. Chonklas/chonkletas is Spanish for sandals/flip flops, or slippers. ;)


Anonymous said...

Hill AFB - BLDG 1205 - Many employees have reported seeing a figure late at night roaming the halls wearing sandals. When anyone tries to speak to this figure the only thing that is said is "Chonklas"

I don't know Spanish, yet.

Anonymous Haunt.

Adam Salverson said...

I was looking because a friend at work used to threaten to throw her chonklas at me, and I wanted to know how to spell it.

So that's why I visited.