Friday, December 08, 2006


Guess where I was this afternoon... Just guess... No.... No! (You perv!) Okay, no, not that either. Man you suck at this game!
All right, I'll just tell you.
I was at graduation rehearsal! Yay!! I'm graduating this Sunday.
I did it, it's over. I'm done. I actually did it.
I wasn't letting myself believe it until the grades were posted yesterday, and I don't know why. I didn't even come close to failing anything, I was just so paranoid that something was going to go terribly wrong. But the grades came back all good, and I haven't gotten any kind of tragic email from the university, so I think it's finally safe to say that I am clear to celebrate!
It's been a long journey (about 5 1/2 years), and definitely a bumpy ride. So, you'd think I'd be in a state of perpetual intoxication (at the very least), or just floating along on cloud 9. But I'm not really. I mean, I am one happy lady right now. The happiest I've been in a while, I dare say. But I think I may still be in somewhat of a state of disbelief. I guess I'll just have to face it come Sunday.
My job is done here, it's time to move on.

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